Results for «Conflict»

Afghanistan, the price of revenge

1h 26m 04s

In October 2001 the United States launched the war against Afghanistan, with the whole world by its side, in an act of self-defence after the attacks of 9/11. Today, the troops of the coalition are gradually packing up. They lost over 3000 soldiers and leave behind a country on the brink of civil war and bloodshed… The official rhetoric has not stood up to the stark reality on the ground. Bin Laden? Found and killed…elsewhere, in Pakistan.

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United Nations: Last Station Before Hell

56m 50s

The United Nations celebrates its 70th anniversary in the fall of 2015. Among other innovations, members of the UN devised the novel concept of “soldiers for peace.” But can peace be enforced militarily? The original mission of the United Nations was to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war by maintaining peace and security between states. Now that terrorists and internal conflicts strike far more frequently than traditional inter-state wars, what does international security mean?

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Against the Wall (Palestinian Christians)

52m 12s

Caught between the Israeli occupation and the threat of radical Islamism, the Christians of Palestine are being driven into exile and their number is inexorably declining, even though their presence in the Holy Land goes back 2000 years. Faced with the apparent indifference of the West, today they are left helpless...against the Wall.

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