Results for «Diet»

Good, Better, Vegan?

52m 00s

Veganism is the new lifestyle of a young, healthy generation. Restaurants serve vegan haute cuisine, recipes for vegan cakes flood the Internet. It’s also a money-making area for research and business. Countless ways of replacing milk, eggs and sausage enter the market. But few realize that the manufacturing process involves biotechnology and additives. Being vegan without knowing about nutrients can lead to deficiencies, even death. Are we really on the threshold of a new, sustainable diet?

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The Okinaway of Life

51m 24s

A wonderful journey in the heart of a legendary civilization that owns the world longevity record in good health. The archipelago of Okinawa, located in the Pacific Ocean at the very south of Japan sees its population with almost no diseases. What are the secrets of Okinawa’s inhabitants ? How can we live longer, happy and in good health ?

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Future Food - India : Fat or Skinny

28m 07s

Future Food is a highly topical new series of 6 x 27’ documentaries, asking how we are going to feed ourselves in the 21st Century. Tonight there will be 219,000 new mouths to feed at the world’s dinner table – that’s 80 million more people over the next year. By 2050, the world’s population will have risen to around 9.5 billion and require 70% more food than we grow today. How will we feed them? Future Food visits India and exploring six questions at the heart of the debate.

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