Results for «Wildlife»

Storks: A Village Rooftop Saga

51m 51s

The white stork is the only large European bird that has attached itself to humans. These elegant-looking birds build their nests on roofs and chimneys and are said to be lucky and bring babies. People generally like storks. They have a strangely magical presence that attracts visitors – and the village of Rühstädt, known as “Europe’s Stork Village”, profits from bird-loving tourism. But the struggles of stork life largely go unnoticed by tourists.

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Carousel of Life - The traditional Orchard

51m 56s

Blossoming fruit trees, colourful meadows, buzzing bees and luscious fruit – traditional orchards are like natural oases in our modern-day agricultural landscape. They are natural habitats for numerous rare grasses and herbs which attract diverse animal species – from foxes to butterflies and even the common redstart, it’s swarming with wildlife. Tall trunks of fruit trees add another level to the meadow - and apples, pears, cherries and walnuts are not only delicious tidbits for human beings.

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Antarctica - Tales from the End of the World

51m 41s

The Antarctic region is undoubtedly one of the most remote and inhospitable, yet one of the most beautiful landscapes of the world. This documentary takes us on a journey to the stormy isolated islands of the Southern Ocean. Seals, penguins, seabirds and other animals live and breed in this hostile environment and harsh climate. Only by an icebreaker can we reach the remote coasts of the Antarctic continent where Emperor Penguins defy the life-threatening environment at the end of the world.

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Chilies to the Rescue: Easing the Human-Elephant Conflict

50m 05s

Protection measures and 20 years of prohibition of the ivory trade are making an impact: Almost all countries in Africa are reporting a rise in elephant numbers. In the past two decades, the population of these grey giants doubled to over 30.000, alone in the Safari-Paradise of Kenya. At the same time the population of humans is growing. Both require space. Conflicts between both are unavoidable and the survival of the biggest land mammal is again endangered.

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Tracing the Gobi Bear

51m 04s

For a long time it had been believed to be a mythical desert yeti. The extremely shy Gobi bears are among world‘s rarest animals. About 30 specimen supposedly have survived in the Gobi desert. Mongolian scientists have now verified the existence of the legendary small brown bear: at a watering place the bear walked into a camera trap. At this moment a comprehensive research and preservation program is getting started. A thrilling expedition, tracing one of the most fascinating animals on earth.

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Lionfish - New Pirates of the Caribbean

52m 00s

The Red Lionfish is by far the coolest fish on the block: armed with eighteen venomous spines, he hunts, invisible to its prey, in packs. He has grand ambitions, too, spreading to new and unprepared waters: the Atlantic Ocean. The film sheds light on stunning abilities that let the lionfish conquer foreign waters, and by doing so threaten entire ecosystems. With stunning visual, high-speed footage, the film tells a suspenseful story, spanning over three continents and two oceans.

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Adopted by Dolphins - Flipper's Family Secrets

52m 23s

Adopted by Dolphins' follows a group of researchers who are accepted as companions by bottlenose dolphins in the Red Sea. A group of divers and marine biologists accompany up to 100 wild dolphins for days and for the very first time watch their behaviour from a dolphin’s perspective. Willingly, the animals expose their social behaviour and games, their exciting love life and even the use of medical substances provided by corals. This is a capturing story of love, war and drama.

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Beary Tales

51m 40s

The touching film shows the adolescence of two bear twins as they live with their new "mother" Vaclav in the Bohemian Forest. It documents the cubs' first steps and follows their development from defenseless babies to cheeky 60-kilo teenagers. The two cubs, abandoned by their mother, would have been destined to death – if Vaclav had not adopted them. It’s the story about two - or three! - extraordinary characters that manage, despite all the differences, to walk their way together.

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Beak & Brain - Genius Birds from Down Under

52m 04s

These child prodigies of the animal kingdom have feathers and beaks – and very special skills! The Keas of New Zealand like testing their brains and challenging tourists: they unscrew bottle-tops and tear open rucksacks. In New Caledonia crows are able to produce a whole set of tools, each designed for a particular purpose – the most intricate tool culture in the animal kingdom! These high flyers compete against each other: Keas vs Crows - the ultimate avian I.Q. test, with surprising results.

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